The showerhead is a perforated piece where water flows through when you turn your shower on. There are several showerheads and each has a different flow rate. Showerhead flow rate is what determines the best choice to make. Showerheads play a significant role in saving water quantities and money. Showerheads flow rate is mostly influenced by the choice of the spray pattern of the showerhead.
The flow rate of coverage for example, when you want to rinse your hair having a shampoo. Showerhead flow rate is what differentiates showerhead types. You can use a high or low-flow rate showerhead. Showering cools the body thus becoming the leading way of home water consumption.
In this article, we are going to tackle the following topics;
- The importance of flow rate
- The standard shower head flow rate
- How you can increase shower head flow rate
What Is the GPM/Flow Rate?
Showerhead flow rate is a measure of gallons per minute that a showerhead distributes. The showerhead flow rate determines the total quantities of water you can use. The flow rate is regulated by the amount of pressure set as per shower head type. The maximum federally mandated flow rate for a new shower head is 2.5 gallons per minute. This means that 2.5 GPM of water flows out of the showerhead every minute.
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Why is Shower Head GPM or Flow Rate Important?
The flow rate either a low flow or a standard shower head flow rate is important. This is because shower head GPM or flow rate is key in energy and water savings. This draws a significant need for the local, federal, and state government to regulate the flow rate of showerheads. The showerhead flow rate is key in choosing a new water heater size of whichever model.
In evaluating plumbing fixture efficiency, in case of buying or selling your house, knowing the flow rate of a showerhead is very critical. To determine how much each shower costs in terms of water use. You need to have shower head flow rate information. Some showerheads are “Eco Performance” easily noted by ‘EP’ as part of their model number. This is due to their environmental sincere concern.
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Standard Shower Head Flow Rate.
The government has imposed a showerhead restricted flow rate which is perfectly built into it. The showerhead flow rate is determined by the recommended GPM of each model which in turn regulates the pressure of water coming through the showerhead. The maximum shower head water flow rate has been 2.5 GPM since 1992.
Despite 2.5 gallons of water passing through the showerhead per minute in this case some of the showerheads do take longer than one minute. Recently, the government has changed the maximum water flow rate to 2.0 from 2.5 GPM. This is still a standard flow rate as it is still covered by the law. The lower flow rate cuts the shower head water pressure. There is still a lower shower head flow rate of 1.8 GPM which enables about a 28 percent decrease in flow rate compared to that of 2.5 GPM.
However, EPA has placed a water sense certification label to shower heads with a flow rate of 1.5GPM. This label means the shower heads are standard and independently certified to perform well. A mandated shower head with a maximum flow rate of 1.5 GPM helps in saving 40 percent water output in comparison with a 2.5 GPM shower head flow rate.
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How Many Gallons Per Minute Average Do You Need?
The total number of gallons per minute on average that you need depends on your preferences. In the case of a household, it comes down to the total number of individuals present including their preferences.
A household might need at least 120 gallons per individual in a day with a flow rate of between 6 to 12 GPM. For instance, if you are using a low-flow showerhead that is 1.8 GPM. It means you will use 1.8 water gallons every minute, which is equivalent to 18 gallons of water for a 10-minute shower.
Therefore, the total number of gallons you need for a shower depends on the flow rate of the showerhead. A toilet needs about 2.2 to 5.0 gallons per minute at normal usage. In case you are using a bath tab, it means you will need more gallons of water probably from 4.0 to 8.0 gallons per minute. The total gallons of water you need in a minute will be determined by the average fluid viscosity as well as cartridge selection.
Therefore, the total gallons per minute that you need on average differs depending on the fixture you’re using.
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How Do Local Government Regulate Shower Heads Opportunity for Innovation?
The local government in different location around the globe have applied a law that ensures showerheads flow rate is contained. In this case, you can only choose shower heads from types available in your location. To comply with the set regulations you can probably get showerheads of about 2.5, 2.0, or 1.8 GPM on retail.
However, lower flow rate showerheads such as 1.5 GPM can be available in the market but at larger sellers. In such situations, the government is trying to restrict the stocking and shipping of showerheads.
The government has ensured to have a standard quality mark to prevent low or poor products from getting to the market. The label of certification which differs depending on the location shows how the government is strict in controlling low-quality innovations.
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How to Increase Shower Head Flow Rate?
There are several causes of low water shower pressure.
You can check if the main water is completely on and test your shower head flow. If you are having a low-flow showerhead, you can replace the shower filter which regulates the amount of water flow.
In most cases, a buildup of scales on the showerhead lowers shower pressure. Therefore, soak your shower head in vinegar-water for about 8 hours to clear the scales.
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Showerheads are important in keeping water bills checked. They ensure you take shower more efficiently. The showerhead flow rate regulations are federally or locally covered. It’s important to check the showerhead flow rate provided by the manufacturer on the package. This will help in determining water use costing.
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